Writing, reports, casenotes, EHCPs
We've discussed ableism and the stigmatising language used when it comes to autism, autistic children and disability in general. Stigmatising, negative language appears in EHCPs, reports, assessment descriptors and in MDT conversations in the workplace. This section is all about adapting our language. It recognises that neurodivergence is an completely valid neurology and culture of people (The Double Empathy Problem).
When it comes to observations it's important to avoid judgmental language:
"has poor-eye contact, limited range of interests, inappropriate behaviour, plays inappropriately, exhibits rude behaviour, unusual responses to others, asks politely, has temper tantrums, acts sulky, unusual mannerisms, invades others' personal space, is manipulative, responds to teasing in an abrasive manner"
Person with autism
The following statements can be turned into and adapted into strengths, difficulties, goals / targets:
Autistic person
can say why a person might be feeling a particular emotion
infers why a person might have said something
has difficulty recognising other people's perceptions
gives other people opportunities to share their opinions during a discussion
after a disagreement with a friend, they can reflect on what their friend might be thinking
struggles to understand other people's physical boundaries
has built trusting relationships with staff and peers
can explain their perspective in a range of contexts and situations
- can say why another student might feel upset or angry
understands autistic communication features e.g. knows what info-dumping is
shows an awareness of students' personal space / physical space e.g. asks if they can take something from their desk
checks their visual schedule to manage their routine
can communicate via a whiteboard / pen when they lose access to spoken language
can share their opinion on a range of topics
prefers to avoid eye-contact / struggles to hold someone's gaze
advocates for themselves when other students cross their boundaries e.g. says "stop"
is a powerful self-advocate
can communicate to staff verbally / nonverbally when they need a toilet break e.g. shows a symbol
can communicate a range of learning needs e.g. need cream coloured paper
asks for help in a variety of contexts
uses the 'help' card to communicate to staff when they need support
can advocate for themselves when they need a break
makes a choice between 2 options (objects, symbols, adult support)
identifies their own strengths and needs
manages their routine with increasing independence
asks for clarification when they do not understand a class instruction
requests a movement break when they are feeling dysregulated
can say no / refuse an item or activity
requests help through their preferred method of communication
has difficulty requesting an item / activity in class
contributes to deciding what their EHCP outcomes and goals are
can express their ideas during class discussions
uses compensatory strategies during a miscommunication e.g. circumlocution, gesture, pointing
understands and answers Blank level 1/2/3/4 questions
experiences frequent communication breakdowns
is unsure how to initiate interactions with other students
has difficulty producing verbal reasoning
has difficulty predicting what might happen next
struggles to verbally answer multi-part questions
struggles to understand / answer "how" or "why" questions
struggles to re-tell an event in the correct order e.g. what they did at the weekend
understands and uses sarcasm in a range of contexts
can tell elaborate stories spoken and written
understands instructions containing 2 key words
uses circumlocution when they can't think of the right word
uses a range of gestures to support their communication
can re-tell a story and sequence events in the right order
understands "how" and "why" questions
uses subordination / coordination in conversation
recognises when they are becoming anxious (can describe what their body feels like)
can label emotions when presented with a visual e.g. Emotion Thermometer
can verbally express how they are feeling
knows a range of emotion words / vocabulary
struggles to identify / describe their emotions
has identified what their top 5 strategies are to self-regulate
is starting to use their self-regulation strategies with adult support
is highly empathic and notices when other students are upset